The Entrepreneurial Mindset
Dennis J. Ceru, Babson College
In this course offered by Babson College and edX, professor Dennis J. Ceru teaches the fundamentals of entrepreneurship, from spotting unique opportunities to planning for long-term success.
The Essence of Leadership
The Knowledge Project, Shane Parrish, Randall Stutman
In this November 2020 episode of The Knowledge Project podcast, leadership expert Randall Stutman discusses behavioral strategies that exemplify good leadership.
The Essential Gandhi
Mahatma Gandhi, Louis Fischer
This 1962 book from journalist Louis Fischer presents selections from Mahatma Gandhi's political and spiritual life, which can still inspire bold resistance to injustices many years later.
The Establishment
Owen Jones
This book examines the dynamics of power within the United Kingdom, exposing the network of elite politicians, media barons, businesses, and bankers who organize British democracy in a way that keeps themselves at the top.
The Eternal Memory
Maite Alberdi
Directed by Maite Alberdi, this documentary follows the relationship of Augusto and Paulina, a couple who have been together for 25 years, as Augusto's Alzheimer's disease progresses.
The Ethical Slut
Janet W. Hardy, Dossie Easton
In The Ethical Slut, Janet W. Hardy and Dossie Easton share a guide to love, sex, and intimacy that falls beyond the limits of traditionally-held ideas about monogamy.
The Ethics of Ambiguity
Simone de Beauvoir
In this seminal work of existential philosophy, Simone de Beauvoir lays out a system of ethics built on the foundation of human freedom.
The Eureka Factor
John Kounios, Mark Jung-Beeman
The Eureka Factor lays out the history of 'aha moments' and lets you in on what causes them and how you can train yourself to experience them more often.
The Everything Store
Brad Stone
The Everything Store documents the rise of Amazon online through 300 interviews with current and former Amazon employees and executives.
The Everything War
Dana Mattioli
Investigative journalist Dana Mattioli catalogs Amazon's greed, the aggressive tactics the company uses to maintain and extend its power, and the emerging fight against it.
The Evolution of Desire
The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast, Jordan B. Peterson, David Buss
In this episode from October 2021, Jordan B. Peterson and David Buss discuss evolutionary psychology theories and the instincts that drive human reproductive behavior.
The Evolution of Everything
Matt Ridley
The Evolution Of Everything compares creationist to evolutionist thinking, showing how the process of evolution we know from biology underlies and permeates the entire world, including society, morality, and even the internet.
The Evolution of Relationships, Dating and Sex!
Shae Love
I share reflections, education, and resources for the evolution of romantic relationships. With so many interested in dating, love, and intimacy, there has to be more than opinion; someone has to do the hard work!
The Ex-Girlfriend of My Ex-Girlfriend Is My Girlfriend
Maddy Court
In this heartfelt handbook, writer Maddy Court gives advice on dating dilemmas, love, and friendship in the queer community.
The Excellent Doctor Blackwell
Julia Boyd
This book details Elizabeth Blackwell's life and journey to becoming the first woman to receive a medical degree in the United States.
The Execution Factor
Kim Perell
The Execution Factor shows how the power of vision, action, and resilience can propel us to success - from the point of view of author Kim Perell who became a millionaire in seven years.
The Expectation Effect
David Robson
In this book, science writer David Robson explores common preconceived notions about ourselves and the world, and their powerful effects on our bodies and minds.
The Exponential Age
Azeem Azhar
Based on his long-running newsletter and podcast, Azeem Azhar's groundbreaking book takes a forensic look at our changing world and how humanity's advances are shaping our future.
The Extended Mind
Annie Murphy Paul
Science writer Annie Murphy Paul argues that identifying the mind with the brain has limited our understanding of our cognitive abilities and urges a radical shift to keep pace with an increasingly abstract and complex society.
The Failed Promise of Egg Freezing
Today, Explained, Noel King
This April 2024 episode of the Today, Explained podcast investigates the successes and failures of egg freezing, a procedure that was expected to increase women's autonomy and equality but may not live up to these expectations.
The Family Firm
Emily Oster
Emily Oster explores how business strategies can be leveraged in parenting and family management for easier decision-making and more efficient day-to-day living.