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Health & Fitness
Technology & the Future

Empowering Muslim Women in Sports

Asma Elbadawi

Explore strides in inclusivity for Muslim women in sports, from groundbreaking initiatives to inclusive products by global brands.

Personal Growth
Culture & Society

Empty Planet

Darrell Bricker, John Ibbitson

Empty Planet explains why overpopulation alarmists are wrong, and how depopulation poses the more imminent threat to the happiness of humanity.

Health & Fitness


Guy Kawasaki

This book will teach you not only how to make a product and get it sold, but turn your customers into loyal followers of your cause.

Health & Fitness
Personal Growth

End Your Battle with Food and Get a Fit Body You Love


The amount of women who are struggling with food restriction and binging is at an all-time high, while body confidence is at an all-time low.

Money & Investing

End Your Financial Self-Sabotage

Tonya Rapley

This course will take you on a journey that will help you understand your current finances by looking honestly at your influences and values so you can stop yourself from financial self-sabotage.

Personal Growth
Health & Fitness

Ending Aging

Aubrey de Grey, Michael Rae

Ending Aging unravels the inner workings of the aging process, a natural yet mysterious phenomenon that occurs to all of us — yet doesn't need to feel like a trap.

Science & Environment


Alfred Lansing

A vivid recreation, from eyewitness accounts, of Sir Ernest Shackleton's epic feat of leadership and courage after abandoning ship in the Antarctic.

Culture & Society

Enduring Alliance: A History of NATO and the Postwar Global Order

Timothy Andrews Sayle

Professor Timothy Andrews Sayle highlights the history of NATO, from its inception to its post-Cold War activity.

Personal Growth
Mind & Philosophy
Career & Success

Energize: Transform Your Energy, Transform Your Life

Simon Alexander Ong

How can you be your best self if you're always tired, stressed and burnt out? Learn how to restore and sustain the energy that drives your success and gives you the power to achieve your potential.

Science & Environment


Vaclav Smil

Energy is the evermoving force that drives our world, and scientist Vaclav Smil’s beginners' guide covers all the crucial knowledge science has collected on this perplexing subject.

Mind & Philosophy
Personal Growth
Religion & Spirituality


Judith M. Campbell

The goal of this Hack is to bring the body, mind, and spirit into balance, transforming negative energies that drain us into positive energies that nourish us.

Culture & Society

Engines of Liberty: How Citizens Movements Succeed

David Cole

David Cole advocates for American citizens to band together against Donald Trump's abuses of power, using three examples of successful citizen movements to demonstrate that change is possible.

Health & Fitness
Culture & Society

English Football: A Social History

University of Leicester, De Montfort University, Leicester City Football Club

English Football: A Social History guides us through the origins of football's popularity and the important role it plays in today's society.


English for Academic Study

Coventry University, Gareth Jones, Mary Forbes, Graeme Nelson

This FutureLearn course by Coventry University helps you grasp important terminology and concepts for the UK university setting, develop English dictionary skills, and improve your pronunciation.

Career & Success

English for the Workplace

British Council

This course from the British Council helps those looking to understand more about English language and culture in the work environment, providing information on finding a job, interviewing successfully, and achieving career success.


English in Early Childhood

British Council, Sheona Gilmour, Tracey Chapelton

In this online course presented by the British Council, teaching experts weigh in on how to best facilitate and encourage English language learning in the youngest students.


English Punctuation Made Easy

Len Smith, Sean Kaye

English Punctuation Made Easy provides a detailed breakdown of using punctuation marks the right way, making it easy for the audience to understand your text.


English Vocabulary: Gen Z Slang Explained by a Gen X Mom

Jennifer Lebedev

Language is always changing. Familiarity with the slang of another generation fosters understanding and helps communication.

Leadership & Entrepreneurship

Enhancing Resilience

Gemma Leigh Roberts

In this course, Gemma Leigh Roberts teaches the importance of emotional resilience and provides easy steps to build it, helping us handle future setbacks with positivity and strength.

Career & Success

Enhancing Your Productivity

Dave Crenshaw

This course shows how to eliminate distractions and boost the focus, time, and energy you give to the most valuable activities in your life.

Personal Growth
Mind & Philosophy
Parenting & Relationships

Enjoying Time By Yourself

On Purpose with Jay Shetty, Mason Spector, Peiman Raf

In this September 2022 episode of On Purpose, Jay Shetty discusses his experience living as a monk and his insights on spending time alone.

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