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Science & Environment

Vanishing Treasures

Katherine Rundell

This collection of essays by award-winning author Katherine Rundell is devoted to some of the most awe-inspiring yet endangered animal species that inhabit our world.

Health & Fitness

What Causes a Fatty Liver?

The Doctor's Farmacy, Dr. Mark Hyman

In this August 2023 episode of The Doctor's Farmacy, Dr. Mark Hyman discusses all things related to fatty liver disease, from risk factors to laboratory testing.

Health & Fitness

What Olympians Eat

The Food Chain, Ruth Alexander

In this July 2024 episode of The Food Chain podcast, host Ruth Alexander looks at the carefully curated diets of Olympic athletes, exploring how food gives them a competitive edge.

Personal Growth
Career & Success
Leadership & Entrepreneurship
Mind & Philosophy

13 Things Mentally Strong Women Don't Do

Amy Morin

Psychotherapist Amy Morin probes the traits and behaviors that mentally resilient women avoid, exploring how we can actively develop strength and confidence instead.

Health & Fitness
Mind & Philosophy

Why Women Need More Rest

Power, Purpose & Pleasure Podcast, Sisters That Stray

Manda and Meleah, founders of the female empowerment movement Sisters That Stray, challenge the idea that rest is 'lazy' and that our worth is attached to how much we achieve.

Culture & Society

The Rise of Wikipedia

Stuff You Should Know, Josh Clark, Charles Wayne Bryant

On this June 2024 episode of the Stuff You Should Know podcast, hosts Josh Clark and Chuck Bryant delve into the origins Wikipedia and look at how the site's format, usage, and principles have shifted over the years.

Culture & Society

A Woman Like Me

Diane Abbott

In this deeply personal autobiography, Diane Abbot, the UK's first Black female MP, details her life before, during, and possibly after politics.

Health & Fitness


Dr Sarah Ballantyne

Sarah Ballantyne presents the Nutrivore philosophy, a method to fuel ourselves simply and effectively.

Science & Environment


Inside Science, Vic Gill

In this April 2023 episode of BBC's Inside Science podcast, host Vic Gill talks to experts about recycling and why it is so important for our future.

Personal Growth
Career & Success
Mind & Philosophy

Uncolonized Latinas

Valeria Aloe

Valeria Aloe shares her experience of immigrating to the U.S. from Argentina and touches on the experiences of other Latinas to explore how profoundly the Latino experience has been shaped by colonization.

Career & Success
Personal Growth
Money & Investing

Master Money Manifesting: Three Essential Shifts for Success

Kelsey Aida

Discover the three missing keys required to manifest your next level of financial abundance.

Mind & Philosophy
Religion & Spirituality
Personal Growth

Consciousness Is All There Is

Dr. Tony Nader

Dr. Tony Nader delivers his revolutionary new theory that consciousness is all there is in existence, showing us how to unlock our potential by accessing our higher states of consciousness.

Money & Investing
Career & Success
Mind & Philosophy

The Power of Taking a Mini-Retirement

How to Money

In this April 2024 episode of the How to Money podcast, hosts Joel Larsgaard and Matt Altmix interview author and educator Jillian Johnsrud about how to take mini-retirements at any age, and why they won't derail your professional or financial goals.

Science & Environment

The Secret Culture of Killer Whales

Overheard at National Geographic, Brian Skerry

In this April 2021 episode of the Overheard at National Geographic podcast, Editor-at-Large Peter Gwin talks to world-renowned underwater photographer Brian Skerry about orcas.


Learning with Uptime


Discover how Uptime uses spaced repetition, metacognition, and active recall to help users battle forgetfulness while learning.


Making Uptime Work for You


Uptime has been designed with its user in mind, so this Hack can show you some of the latest features and developments we've created to make your learning journey as smooth and enjoyable as possible.

Science & Environment

How Hurricanes Work

Stuff You Should Know, Josh Clark, Chuck Bryant

On this July 2020 episode of the Stuff You Should Know podcast, hosts Josh Clark and Chuck Bryant discuss hurricane formation, how they are classified, and the dangers they pose.

Mind & Philosophy
Technology & the Future

How Smartphones Are Rewiring Our Brains

Feel Better, Live More , Dr Rangan Chatterjee, Jonathan Haidt

In this May 2024 episode of Feel Better, Live More, psychologist Jonathan Haidt explains how smartphones and social media are negatively affecting children and adolescents.

Mind & Philosophy

Self Help

Gabrielle Bernstein

Spiritual leader and self-help author Gabrielle Bernstein teaches readers how to heal using the principles of Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy, a gentle approach to connecting with your true self.

Personal Growth
Career & Success
Mind & Philosophy

The New Middle

Bryant Galindo

Mediator and executive coach Bryant Galindo dives into why we respond to conflict in certain ways and how we can work to be better communicators.

Culture & Society

Out of Many, One

George W. Bush

George W. Bush creates portraits - both with his words and his own oil paintings - of the immigrants who have enriched both the lives of himself and, as he amply demonstrates, the United States of America.

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