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Arts & Design

Succeeding as a Live Sketch Artist

Deanna First

I will teach you how to master the art of live sketching through preparation, trusting your intuition, and using the best supplies — all while having fun in the process.

Personal Growth
Career & Success
Leadership & Entrepreneurship

Succeeding as an LGBT Professional

Dorie Clark

In this course, Duke University business professor Dorie Clark explains how to leverage your strengths and overcome challenges while being openly gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender at work.

Career & Success

Succeeding in a New Job

Dr. Chaz Austin

Succeeding in a New Job gives us tips on how to make a good foundation at a new job, with practical advice to develop effective strategies and explore techniques to create success.

Career & Success

Succeeding in Web Development: Full Stack and Front End

Ray Villalobos

This course explains the skills required to become a web developer, including languages, supporting technologies, and how to get a job in the field.

Personal Growth

Success Is in Consistent Failing

Erika Blazevic

Success is oftentimes seen as the tapestry of achievements collected, but all of the failures that have shaped the artist inside you are too easily forgotten.

Career & Success
Personal Growth
Mind & Philosophy

Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude

Napoleon Hill, W. Clement Stone

For Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude, author Napoleon Hill interviewed hundreds of successful people, sharing how their outlook helped them get to the top, and how we can do the same.

Career & Success

Successful Goal Setting


This course teaches you how to set and achieve goals, providing the essential tips, tricks, and steps to turn your plans and dreams into reality.

Marketing & Sales
Leadership & Entrepreneurship
Career & Success

Successful Negotiation: Master Your Negotiating Skills

Chris Croft

Practical tools and techniques for negotiating your way to a happier life at home, and a healthier bank balance at work. Successfully close the deal without any confrontation, and avoid the common negotiation mistakes you're probably making!


Suddenly in Charge

Roberta Chinsky Matuson

As companies reorganize and reengineer, people are finding themselves tossed into management with little to no training or preparation. This Hack will help you ride the wave and become a successful manager.

Science & Environment
Health & Fitness

Sugar, Explained

Ezra Klein , Joe Posner , Claire Gordon, Tanya Lukyanova

This episode of the Netflix docuseries outlines why attempts to replace sugar haven't been successful and why we must change our approach to this sweet substance.

Science & Environment

Suggestible You

Erik Vance

In Suggestible You, award-winning science journalist Erik Vance helps us understand and utilize the power of our mind-body connection. He explains the effect that our thoughts have on our bodies, including pain, illness, and memory – and how we can take advantage of them.

Arts & Design
Culture & Society

Summer of Soul (...or When the Revolution Could Not Be Televised)

Ahmir 'Questlove' Thompson

This documentary tells the long-forgotten story of the 1969 Harlem Cultural Festival and its importance to African-American history.

Health & Fitness
Science & Environment

Sunburns, Suntans, and Sunscreen

Stuff You Should Know, Josh Clark, Chuck Bryant

In this July 2017 episode of the Stuff You Should Know podcast, hosts Josh Clark and Chuck Bryant discuss misconceptions about sun exposure, as well as its harsh realities.

Mind & Philosophy
Science & Environment
Religion & Spirituality
Personal Growth

Super Brain

Deepak Chopra, Rudolph E. Tanzi

Neuroscience meets the concept of the mind in this fascinating look at how you can train your brain to optimize physical and mental health based on lifestyle and spiritual habits.

Personal Growth

Super Confidence

Kain Ramsay

This course from personal growth expert Kain Ramsay is designed to help us let go of dependence and become the most empowered version of ourselves.

Personal Growth
Mind & Philosophy

Super Intense

Marisa Imon

Emotional intensity found in highly sensitive people can feel like both a blessing and a curse, but with proper tools and mindset training it can become a superpower.

Technology & the Future
Leadership & Entrepreneurship

Super Pumped

Mike Isaac

In this book, New York Times technology correspondent Mike Isaac tells the inside story of Uber's meteoric rise and fall.

Personal Growth
Health & Fitness


Jane McGonigal

SuperBetter reveals how we can turn our own life into a game, becoming physically, emotionally, mentally and socially stronger in the process.

Personal Growth
Parenting & Relationships


Charles Duhigg

Award-winning American journalist Charles Duhigg explains how meaningful conversations work and what it takes to become a better communicator.

Health & Fitness

Superfoods: Myths and Truths

EIT Food, University of Turin, Alessandro Cicerale, Dr. David Field, Michal Janiak, Igor Piumetti

This online course by EIT Food and the University of Turin explains the biological components of superfoods and their remarkable benefits for our bodies.

Leadership & Entrepreneurship
Personal Growth


Steven D. Levitt, Stephen J. Dubner

Superfreakonomics reveals how we can find non-obvious solutions to tricky problems by focusing on raw, hard data and thinking like an economist.

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