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Parenting & Relationships

The Invisible Orientation

Julie Sondra Decker

Asexual writer Julie Sondra Decker addresses the most frequently cited myths about asexuality – that it is a disease or disorder – to bring awareness to the real challenges asexual people face and how they find connection and community.

Culture & Society

The Janes

Tia Lessin

In this 2022 documentary, directors Tia Lessin and Emma Pildes speak with former members of the Chicago underground group The Janes about their efforts to provide safe abortions to women in need.

Leadership & Entrepreneurship
Personal Growth

The Jelly Effect

Andy Bounds

Business coach and consultant Andy Bounds shares his expertise on effective communication.

Health & Fitness
Culture & Society

The Jersey: The All Blacks

Peter Bills

Peter Bills explores the reasons behind the enduring dominance of New Zealand's national rugby team, the All Blacks.

Parenting & Relationships
Culture & Society

The Joy of Gay Sex

LGBTQ&A, Jeffrey Masters , Dr. Charles Silverstein

In this September 2021 episode of LGBTQ&A, renowned psychologist and gay rights activist Dr. Charles Silverstein talks about the social stigma of homosexuality in the 1970s, his groundbreaking work in sexuality, and life as an elderly gay man.

Health & Fitness
Personal Growth
Mind & Philosophy
Science & Environment

The Joy of Movement

Kelly McGonigal

The Joy of Movement can help us to find the motivation to get out and exercise more often, by teaching us the scientific reasons why it's good for us and why our bodies are designed to enjoy it.

Parenting & Relationships

The Joy of Sex

Alex Comfort, Susan Quilliam

In the updated edition of the 1972 classic The Joy of Sex, pioneering physician Dr. Alex Comfort and relationship psychologist Susan Quilliam share advice on how to enjoy 'gourmet sex' with a partner, outlining the ingredients of your next sexual encounter.

Parenting & Relationships

The Joys and Sorrows of Parenting

The School of Life, Alain de Botton

Navigating the rollercoaster of parenting is both exhilarating and heartbreaking, a challenge that philosophy - and The School of Life - can help you tackle with a calmer mind.


The Jungle Grows Back

Robert Kagan

This 2018 book reviews the United States' evolving military and economic power since the end of World War II and what the world might look like if American hegemony recedes.

Health & Fitness

The Keto Diet

Maintenance Phase, Aubrey Gordon, Michael Hobbes

In this July 2021 episode of the Maintenance Phase podcast, author Aubrey Gordon and journalist Michael Hobbes discuss the history and consequences of the keto diet.

Personal Growth

The Key to Persistence

Zoey Lau

Zoey Lau provides ideas on how to keep going when we feel like giving up.

Parenting & Relationships

The Kickass Single Mom

Emma Johnson

The Kickass Single Mom is a go-to guide to help single moms achieve financial security, find romantic fulfillment, and continue to be incredible parents.

Culture & Society
Technology & the Future

The Kill Chain

Christian Brose

Defense industry insider Christian Brose presents a sobering account of the U.S. military's weaknesses and what can be done to address them.

Marketing & Sales
Leadership & Entrepreneurship

The Know/Like/Trust Masterclass

Kevin Oberhausen

The Know/Like/Trust Masterclass by Kevin Oberhausen teaches entrepreneurs how to create meaningful relationships with customers and establish trust so they can make an impact on their audience and sell their products or services with ease.

Culture & Society

The Knowledge Gap

Natalie Wexler

A critical analysis of America's educational shortcomings, their origins in the birth of the progressive education movement, and the solutions that can bring students back from the brink of this modern learning crisis.

Science & Environment

The Language Hoax

John H. McWhorter

In this book, linguist John McWhorter argues against the common belief that language shapes how we perceive the world.

Personal Growth

The Language Instinct

Steven Pinker

The Language Instinct takes you on an adventure into the world of linguistics and argues that we're born with an innate ability to understand languages, that most are more similar than we might think, and investigates the origins of our ability to communicate.

Career & Success
Personal Growth

The Language of Leaders

Swati Sengupta, State Bank of India

This course from edX and the State Bank of India details the path to becoming an effective and persuasive speaker, explaining how to turn dreaded conversations into exciting opportunities.

Culture & Society

The Last Blockbuster

Taylor Morden

The Last Blockbuster details how the movie rental franchise became one of the most popular ways of interacting with cinema, and how it then all but disappeared.


The Last Days of John Lennon

James Patterson, Casey Sherman, Dave Wedge

This biography tells the story of two men: John Lennon, one of the most celebrated songwriters in the history of pop music, and Mark Chapman, the man who murdered him.


The Last Duel

Eric Jager

Now a feature film directed by Ridley Scott, this thrilling medieval tale is a true story of two friends who become the worst of enemies and eventually fight to the death after a damning accusation is made.

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