The Pomodoro Technique
Francesco Cirillo
The Pomodoro Technique is the simplest way to productively manage our time with only two lists and a timer, by breaking down our workload into small, manageable chunks to stay fresh and focused throughout our day.
The Potential Positive Impacts of Adoption
Damon L Davis
While adoption originates from adverse conditions in the adoptee's family of origin, adoption can have many positive impacts on the adoptee if their needs are kept at the center of all decisions. Here are a few ways that adoption can be a positive experience for the adopted person.
The Power of Awakening
Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, Brendon Burchard
The Power of Awakening, by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer and Brendon Burchard, teaches readers about the path to enlightenment through embracing one's spiritual awakening.
The Power of Broke
Daymond John
The Power Of Broke shows you how to leverage having no money into an advantage by compensating it with creativity, passion, and authenticity.
The Power of Calisthenics
Kamil Prokurat
Kamil Prokurat is a calisthenics coach who helps busy men build powerful bodies without spending endless hours in the gym.
The Power of Decentralisation
What Bitcoin Did, Peter McCormack, Adam Curry
In this April 2022 of the What Bitcoin Did podcast, Peter McCormack hosts anti-establishment Bitcoin advocate Adam Curry in a discussion about how blockchain currencies like Bitcoin can alleviate global corruption and other vital institutional flaws in the financial system.
The Power of Different
Gail Saltz M.D.
Leading psychiatrist Gail Saltz explains how 'different' brain wiring or recurring mental health issues can often benefit both individuals and society.
The Power of Full Engagement
Jim Loehr
The Power Of Full Engagement teaches you how to manage your energy by telling you how to properly maintain your four kinds of energy, live a life of purpose, and accept your own limitations.
The Power of Fun
Catherine Price
In this book, award-winning science journalist and author of How to Break Up with Your Phone Catherine Price explores the importance of having 'True Fun' in everyday life.
The Power of Habit
Charles Duhigg
The Power of Habit helps us to understand why habits are at the core of everything we do, how we can change them, and the impact they have on our lives, work, and society.
The Power of Intention
Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
Published in 2004, The Power of Intention is a self-improvement book about the power of purpose by prolific author and self-help icon Dr. Wayne W. Dyer.
The Power of Introverts and Loneliness
Lex Fridman Podcast, Lex Fridman, Susan Cain
In this June 2022 episode of the Lex Fridman Podcast, author Susan Cain discusses the hidden strength of introverts and the utility of sadness.
The Power of Less
Leo Babauta
The Power Of Less shows you how to align your life with your most important goals, by shifting your priorities, changing your habits one at a time, and working productively and with focus on the projects that will take you where you really want to go.
The Power of Myth
Joseph Campbell with Bill Moyers
The Power Of Myth unearths the origins of famous myths, their purpose, their evolution, and the crucial role they've played in shaping many facets of modern-day society.
The Power of Negotiation
Vanessa Van Edwards
This course provides you with the tools and strategies to approach any negotiation with confidence.
The Power of Nightmares
Adam Curtis
This BBC documentary series examines the rise of the neoconservative movement in the U.S. alongside the radical Islamist movement from the 1970s to the early 2000s.
The Power of No
James Altucher, Claudia Azula Altucher
The Power Of No is an encompassing instruction manual for you to harness the power of this little word to become healthier, get rid of bad relationships, embrace abundance - and ultimately say yes to yourself.
The Power of Now
Eckhart Tolle
Eckhart Tolle's bestselling classic shows you the power of staying attuned to the present and gives you helpful strategies to start living every minute as it occurs.
The Power of Personalisation: An Illustrator's Guide
Georgia May
When you are your whole business, time is money. As an illustrator or designer, it's so important to diversify your income streams, in ways like passive income, print-on-demand services, and the option we'll explore now, the power of personalisation.
The Power of Positive Thinking
Norman Vincent Peale
The Power of Positive Thinking shows you that the roots of success lie in the mind and teach you how to believe in yourself, break the habit of worrying, and take control of your life by taking control of your thoughts.
The Power of Privilege
June Sarpong
The Power of Privilege provides a list of practical and informed suggestions on how white people can start having open conversations about race and privilege, and become better allies to people of color.