The Science of Breakups
Stuff You Should Know
In this February 2019 episode of Stuff You Should Know, hosts Josh Clark and Chuck Bryant look at breakup studies to understand what's going on in our brains after the end of a relationship and what might make the process easier.
The Science of Compassion
Sounds True, Kelly McGonigal
The Science of Compassion shows how science can help us to develop compassion, demonstrating why it's important for ourselves, our relationships, and our society as a whole.
The Science of Depression
Ten Percent Happier, Dan Harris, Sona Dimidjian
Dan Harris and Dr. Sona Dimidjian discuss alternative approaches to mitigating depression in this January 2022 episode of the Ten Percent Happier podcast.
The Science of Emotion
The Science of Everything, James Fodor
In this March 2023 episode of The Science of Everything podcast, host James Fodor introduces the scientific study of human emotions.
The Science of Evolution
The Open University, Jonathan Silvertown
This course outlines the scientific evidence behind the theory of evolution, why some people still argue against it, and how their counterarguments fail to live up to scrutiny.
The Science of Exercise
University of Colorado Boulder, Robert Mazzeo, Ph.D
In this course from the University of Colorado, Boulder, learn how exercise affects both the body and brain from a scientific perspective.
The Science of Generosity: Do Good…Feel Good
Femida Handy, The University of Pennsylvania
In this course offered by the University of Pennsylvania, Dr. Femida Handy explores the science behind why we give and the effects it can have, both on the level of the individual and society at large.
The Science of Getting Rich
Wallace D. Wattles
The Science of Getting Rich grants us permission to embrace our natural desire for wealth, explaining why riches lead to a prosperous and abundant life in mind, body, and soul.
The Science of Handling Uncertainty
Ten Percent Happier, Dan Harris, Maya Shankar
In this June 2022 episode of the Ten Percent Happier podcast, behavioral scientist Maya Shankar provides us with a set of tools for confronting the uncertainty in our lives.
The Science of Happiness: How to Live Your Best Life
Laura Delizonna
Use the power of neurology and positive psychology to become the happiest version of yourself with The Science of Happiness: How to Live Your Best Life, and learn how to share it with people around you.
The Science of Kissing
Sheril Kirshenbaum
In The Science of Kissing, science journalist Sheril Kirshenbaum unravels the mysteries of kissing, and the evolution of this very human practice over the ages.
The Science of Leadership
Gregory Caremans - Brain Academy
This course takes a deep dive into leadership by looking into how the brain works, exploring motivation, and introducing tools to create a highly effective and sustainable model for the 21st-century leader.
The Science of Learning
National STEM Learning Centre, Paul Howard-Jones, Tim Jay
Improve your teaching and study skills through the neuroscience of learning in this online course from the UK's National STEM Learning Centre.
The Science of Learning Languages
Huberman Lab, Andrew Huberman, Dr. Eddie Chang
In this October 2022 episode of Huberman Lab, Dr. Andrew Huberman is joined by Dr. Eddie Chang. They discuss how the brain learns and uses languages and Chang's pioneering work in neural engineering.
The Science of Love
Unexplainable, Noam Hassenfeld
In this February 2022 episode of Vox's Unexplainable podcast, host Noam Hassenfeld talks to journalists, researchers, and romance novelists about the science of love and romance.
The Science of Making and Keeping Friends
Ten Percent Happier, Dan Harris, Robin Dunbar
In this October 2022 episode of the Ten Percent Happier podcast, Robin Dunbar explains the science of relationships and discusses how overcoming the barriers to building friendships can help our physical and mental wellbeing.
The Science of Money and Happiness
Ten Percent Happier , Dan Harris, Elizabeth Dunn
In this November 2023 episode of the Ten Percent Happier podcast, host Dan Harris talks to psychologist Dr. Elizabeth Dunn about the relationship between happiness and spending.
The Science of Parenting
David Barner, The University of California, San Diego
This edX course from the University of California San Diego gives parents information on the scientific evidence behind their roles as caretakers, covering discipline, diet, vaccinations, and more.
The Science of Small Changes
The Knowledge Project, Shane Parrish, Andrew Huberman
In this March 2022 episode of the Knowledge Project, neuroscientist and Stanford University professor Dr. Andrew Huberman explains how small behavioral changes can benefit our health.
The Science of Training Your Attention
Ten Percent Happier, Dan Harris, Dr. Amishi Jha
In this October 2021 episode of Ten Percent Happier with Dan Harris, psychology professor Amishi Jha examines the science of meditation for improving focus and attention.
The Science of Well-Being
Laurie Santos, Yale University
This course from Yale University puts psychology into practice to build productive habits that increase your happiness and enable you to lead a more fulfilling life.