The Bee Gees: How Can You Mend a Broken Heart
Frank Marshall
This documentary follows the Bee Gees – one of the most iconic bands of the disco era – through their rocky beginning, their rise to fame, and their enduring bond through music.
The Behavior Gap
Carl Richards
Seasoned financial planner Carl Richards explains how to fight against your instinct to make poor financial decisions.
The Behavioral Investor
Daniel Crosby
Our psychology doesn't help our investing abilities. Luckily for us, Daniel Crosby is here to teach us why most of us make poor investment decisions and how you can avoid them to maximize your investing success.
The Best of Me
David Sedaris
Much-loved American humorist, comedian, and author David Sedaris picks his favorite short pieces from his 25-year career.
The Best Places to Eat in Las Vegas (Plant-Based Options Included)
Kelsie Steele
Food vlogger Kels Acosta takes you on a mouthwatering journey to discover the best places to eat in Las Vegas, featuring late-night bites and plant-based options.
The Betrayal of Anne Frank
Rosemary Sullivan
In August 1944, Anne Frank and her family were captured by the Gestapo and sent to their deaths. This book follows a modern investigation into the case, attempting to discover who betrayed the family.
The Better Angels of Our Nature
Steven Pinker
The Better Angels Of Our Nature illustrates why we live in the most peaceful time in history, looking at how our motivators to act violently are outweighed by our tendencies towards peace, and which major shifts in history caused this global reduction in violence.
The Bicycle Book
Steven J. Anderson
In this fond, funny memoir-cum-business-guide, Steven J. Anderson tells tales of his 12-year-old self intertwined with tutorials from his Dad to provide readers with the essentials of superb client service.
The Big Disconnect
Catherine Steiner-Adair
Clinical psychologist Catherine Steiner-Adair investigates how the surge of digital technology and use of the internet is changing family dynamics and child development in modern society.
The Big Leap
Gay Hendricks
The Big Leap is about changing our overall perspective, so we can embrace a philosophy that'll help us achieve our full potential in work, relationships, finance, and all other walks of life.
The Big Necessity
Rose George
The Big Necessity teaches you everything you need to know about feces. Explore how sanitation works, the damage it causes when it's not done properly, and how we can improve it worldwide.
The Big Picture
Sean M Carroll
In The Big Picture, theoretical physicist Sean Carroll gives a fresh perspective on the evolution of the universe, life, consciousness, and thinking.
The Biggest Bluff
Maria Konnikova
The Biggest Bluff chronicles Maria Konnikova's surprise success in the world of poker, having been sucked into playing the game after setting out to study its psychology.
The Biggest Ideas in the Universe
Sean Carroll
Renowned physicist and professor of natural philosophy Sean Carroll explains the fundamental laws of physics that govern our reality.
The Biology of Belief
Bruce H. Lipton
The Biology of Belief is an overview of modern findings in cellular biology, which are redefining the way we look at evolution, genetics, and the nature of life itself.
The Biology of Sex
TED Radio Hour, Emily Quinn, Molly Webster, Lisa Mosconi, Karissa Sanbonmatsu
TED speakers share their personal experiences and research on the biology of sex, showing that it is far more complicated than simply male and female.
The Birth of the Pill
Jonathan Eig
Jonathan Eig introduces the four people behind the invention of the pill — the revolutionary birth control that changed the sexual landscape.
The Birth of Tragedy
Friedrich Nietzsche
In this classic work, German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche lays out his influential dramatic and aesthetic theory.
The Bitcoin Standard
Saifedean Ammous
In The Bitcoin Standard, Professor of Economics Saifedean Ammous analyzes the historical context that enabled the rise of bitcoin, and the age-old economic and political problems it purports to solve.
The Black Swan
Nassim Nicholas Taleb
The Black Swan explains why we are so bad at predicting the future, how unlikely events can dramatically change our lives, and what we can do to become better at expecting the unexpected.
The Blue Zones
Dan Buettner
The Blue Zones provides advice on how to live well, examining the areas of the world where people live the longest and drawing lessons on the habits that can most successfully shape our lives.