
Leadership & Entrepreneurship
Science & Environment
Technology & the Future

The Singularity Is Near

Ray Kurzweil

The Singularity Is Near outlines the future of technology by describing how change keeps accelerating, how biology and technology will become indistinguishable, and why we can't possibly predict what'll happen after 2045.

Leadership & Entrepreneurship

The Six Biases of Decision-Making

Drew Boyd

Make more rational, logical judgement calls as expert Drew Boyd shares the six biases that affect our reasoning, along with effective strategies to help us counteract these fallacies.

Career & Success

The Six Morning Habits of High Performers

Pete Mockaitis

Get your personal development journey started as Pete Mockaitis reveals the morning routine of high achievers and how you can successfully establish productive daily habits yourself.

Personal Growth
Mind & Philosophy

The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem

Nathaniel Branden

The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem lays out how you can introduce simple practices into your life to assert your right to be happy and live a fulfilling life.

Personal Growth
Science & Environment

The Sixth Extinction

Elizabeth Kolbert

The Sixth Extinction summarizes how human activity has contributed to the mass extinction of species, pinpointing pivotal ways to mitigate our biggest environmental problems.

Science & Environment

The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe

Dr. Steven Novella

Dr. Steven Novella, host of the popular 'Skeptics Guide to the Universe' podcast, explains critical thinking and scientific methodology to help us better decide what to believe, and what not to.

Health & Fitness

The Skin-Gut Connection

The goop Podcast, Gwyneth Paltrow, Nigma Talib

On this February 2019 episode of The goop Podcast, host Elise Loehnen interviews Dr. Nigma Talib about the skin-gut connection, how to eat to support your skin, and the impact of stress on skin.

Health & Fitness

The Sleep Fix

Diane Macedo

Diane Macedo guides us through the science of sleep and untangles common misconceptions about sleep disorders so that we can all get the rest our bodies need and deserve.

Personal Growth
Health & Fitness

The Sleep Revolution

Arianna Huffington

The Sleep Revolution paints a grim picture of Western sleep culture - but not without extending a hand to students and CEOs alike by offering genuine advice on how to finally get a good night's sleep.

Health & Fitness

The Sleep Solution

W Chris Winter, MD

The Sleep Solution helps you improve your quality of life by revealing the truth behind poor sleep and offering advice on how to get more rest at night.

Personal Growth

The Slight Edge

Jeff Olson et al.

The Slight Edge makes the case that the difference between becoming a beach bum or a millionaire doesn't lie in who you are, but in the small, simple choices you make every day.

Leadership & Entrepreneurship
Money & Investing
Personal Growth

The Snowball

Alice Schroeder

The Snowball is the only authorized biography of Warren Buffett - detailing his life from the very humble beginnings all the way to his success as avalue investor, and once the richest man on earth.

Personal Growth
Health & Fitness

The Social Animal

David Brooks

The Social Animal weaves social science research into the story of a fictional couple to shed light on the decision-making power of our unconscious minds.

Culture & Society
Technology & the Future

The Social Dilemma

Jeff Orlowski, Larissa Rhodes

In the documentary The Social Dilemma, filmmaker Jeff Orlowski takes a critical look at the addictive and exploitative aspects of social media platforms, and the way they have impacted our society.

Culture & Society
Parenting & Relationships

The Social Nature of Being Human

The Open University, David Kaposi, Daniel McCulloch, Kesi Mahendran

This course offered by The Open University dives deep into social influences, from the psychology of crowds to the impact of social pressure on our beliefs and actions.

Mind & Philosophy
Culture & Society

The Sociopath Next Door

Martha Stout

Using case studies and her own experiences as a psychologist, Martha Stout provides research-based insights on sociopathic behavior.

Science & Environment

The Soul of an Octopus

Sy Montgomery

In The Soul of an Octopus, naturalist and author Sy Montgomery uses her first-hand experience with octopuses to ponder the nature of consciousness and what it means to have a soul.

Health & Fitness
Personal Growth
Mind & Philosophy

The Source: Open Your Mind, Change Your Life

Dr Tara Swart

Neuroscientist Dr. Tara Swart shows us how we can transform our lives and manifest opportunities for ourselves through understanding the inner workings of our brains.

Parenting & Relationships

The Spark

Kristine Barnett

Kristine Barnett's memoir chronicles the story of her son Jacob, who was diagnosed as autistic as a toddler but overcame limitations to become a math and science prodigy on track to win a Nobel Prize.

Personal Growth
Career & Success

The Speed Learning Revolution

François Trésorier

Unlock your potential through understanding the art of speed learning and rapid skill acquisition.

Leadership & Entrepreneurship
Personal Growth

The Speed of Trust

Stephen M.R. Covey, Rebecca R. Merrill

The Speed Of Trust unravels the economics of trust and shows you how to cultivate it within yourself, your relationships, and all your business ventures.

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