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Developing cultural awareness

Cultural awareness might be complex, but don't worry – we've got you covered. This Collection delves into the idea of cultural awareness and how you can build an understanding of the cultural differences that shape our lives.


Understanding teenagers' mental health

Being a teenager can be tough, and in today's world, it's even tougher. In this handpicked Collection, discover ways to connect with the young adults in your life, so you can be there for them during these challenging years.


How to deal with anger

We’ve all been there… Those moments when we see red and end up doing things we later regret. Managing our feelings can be quite a puzzle, but there is a legitimate place for anger in our emotional wheelhouse. It’s important to understand how anger fits into our lives and society and discover healthier ways to handle it. This Collection is your trusty sidekick on your journey to explore this tricky emotion.


Celebrating Hispanic heritage

National Hispanic Heritage Month in the US, from September 15 to October 15, celebrates Hispanic ancestry from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, Central, and South America. Our Collection showcases inspiring stories of Hispanic heritage individuals from the heartwrenching experience of migration and living within the diaspora, to superstars who have become icons in the USA.


Understanding food

We talk a lot about nutrition and how we can adjust our habits to build a healthy life. However, this can sometimes get confusing. There is so much advice and it always changes. So, let's simplify it. How can we understand our relationship with food? What does food do for us mentally as well as physically? In this Collection, join us as we explore the impact and the purpose of food in our lives.


The world we live in

Ever wonder how social media is shaping us, or what the future of work looks like? From the politics of identity to the impact of architecture, we've got it covered. This Collection is a deep dive into the forces and trends that are redefining our lives—be it love, work, or the environment. Crafted by experts but easy to digest, this Collection is your ultimate guide to contemporary society.


The stories of 9/11: 22 years on

Twenty-two years after the day that changed America and the world forever, hear the harrowing and inspiring stories of those who lived it.


How to have a successful career

Navigating the complexities of the professional world can be daunting, but you don't have to go it alone. We're here to help with our Collection of actionable advice, insider tips, and proven strategies to help you architect a fulfilling and rewarding career. So whether you're just starting out or seeking to elevate your professional journey, this indispensable guide empowers you to take control and realize your ultimate career aspirations.


Our best lifestyle hacks

Let's face it: we're all experts at something and novices at something else. Maybe you can brew the perfect cup of coffee but can't toast bread without turning it into charcoal. That's the beauty of life's learning curve. To help you navigate it, we've compiled an array of life hacks, answering queries from making homemade ice cream to plant care. Because no one has it all figured out, but together, we can master just about anything.


An introduction to economics

Want to know more about economics, but never knew where to begin? We've got you covered. This Collection contains Hacks that cover the basics, and give you a broad understanding of how economics affects day to day life.


Why we strike

From healthcare to Hollywood, from schools to street cleaners, people are striking all over the world in order to demand better pay. In this Collection, understand why with a look at some of recent history’s most impactful strikes, as well as content on how collective action has impacted society throughout history.


Reasons to hope

In the face of daunting news cycles, it's easy to despair. To help, we've put together this Collection as a powerful antidote – a friendly nudge to remind us that even when things look their bleakest, hope has this incredible knack for not just surviving but thriving. It's a testament to the fact that positive change is always within reach, even when the headlines try to tell us otherwise.


The women of soccer

Since Spain won the World Cup and England won the Euros, interest in women's soccer has taken over the world. In this Collection of Hacks learn more about female soccer prodigies who have left their mark on the beautiful game.


How to be a Barbie Girl in a modern world

To celebrate Greta Gerwig's 2023 Barbie movie, we've created a Collection exploring the film's key themes. From the color pink to existentialism and etiquette, this is Barbie but in the real world.


AI: will it take over?

As Artificial Intelligence advances at unprecedented rates worries are also growing as to where it all will end. Learn more about machine learning with our Collection of Hacks, and you decide whether this technology is a tool or terror...


An introduction to cybersecurity

With digital crime on the rise there's no time like the present to brush up on your knowledge of cybersecurity. These Hacks will help you understand the basics of internet safety, and provide practical tips that will help you protect your online assets.


Age of AI

Is it the end of humanity as we know it, or only the beginning of a new era? This series takes a look at the exciting possibilities - and fears - surrounding artificial intelligence.


How to connect and stay connected

In today's whirlwind of social media and life's demands, maintaining genuine connections can be challenging. But how does one truly connect in such a digital age? Explore our insightful Hacks designed to strengthen and nurture your relationships, ensuring you remain deeply connected with the world around you.


Top photography and film hacks

In this Collection, we have brought together our ultimate list of photography and film content. So whether you're an absolute beginner or a seasoned professional behind the lens, there's something here to elevate your understanding and appreciation of these art forms.


Abstract: The Art of Design

From advertising to architecture, this series takes us through the world of design, and the many ways it shapes our surroundings.


A tour of South Asia

To celebrate South Asian Heritage Month journey with us to explore the beautiful, vast and fascinating part of the world. This Collection of Hacks covers the history, geography and culture of South Asia, as well as looking at some of its greatest festivals. You can feel like you've travelled globe, experiencing new people and places, without even stepping foot out the door.

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