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Exploring the immigrant experience

Immigration is something that never really leaves the news. It's constantly happening, legally or illegally, as migrants leave their countries of birth for a multitude of reasons. In this Collection, explore the stories of those who have immigrated to other countries and their experiences.


How to raise confident kids

Confidence is a powerful tool to have in life, and we all want our kids to reap its benefits. We've compiled some Hacks to help you foster confidence in your children.


How to raise teenagers

Raising teenagers is no easy task. Here are some of the best Hacks on helping teenagers grow and find their own path.


A history of witchcraft

This autumn, social media has brought new life to the ancient tradition of witchcraft. These Hacks delve into the history of the practice and the forms that modern witchcraft takes today.


How to be a parent

Raising kids can sometimes be tricky, but we’ve gathered some of the best advice here for you.


Getting ready for college

These helpful hacks will take your writing, reading, and thinking to the next level as you prepare for your plunge into higher education.


People in profile

From presidents to princesses, we've collected some of the best biographies and autobiographies to get acquainted with.


The Explained series

The acclaimed Vox series that unpacks and explains everything about our complex modern world.


The books you never get around to finishing

You know those books you never quite finish? Well turns out you're not alone, as according to mathematician Jordan Ellenberg's Hawking Index, most of us don't. Luckily for you we've condensed the key learnings into bitesize chunks, so you can see what all the fuss is about without slogging through hundreds of pages. Check them out here...


Helping men and boys

For International Men’s Day, we’ve compiled good advice from male creators across all areas of life, providing suggestions and tools to help men and boys, whether you are one, you love one, or you’re raising one.


How to succeed at investing

The financial world doesn't have to be a mystery. Use these helpful Hacks to make better investments so your money works for you.


Looking after your loved ones

Families, regardless of their unique compositions, all share a common thread: the need to care for one another. The journey of caring for your family, whether as a parent or caregiver, is undoubtedly challenging but equally rewarding. In this Collection, we've thoughtfully curated a selection of Hacks to support you along the way, making your parenting or caregiving experience just a bit easier.


Our favorite Hacks

We've pulled the data, analyzed the content, and the results are in. These are everyone's favorite Hacks, exploring everything from parenting to sleep.


Oprah Winfrey's Recommended Books

The 'Queen of All Media' recommends her favorite books.


Words of wisdom from moms

Let's celebrate all the moms and mother figures out there.


The New York Times's Best Books

Stay updated with the pinnacle of the publishing realm, The New York Times Best Seller List, renowned for its unparalleled selection. In this Collection, explore the best non-fiction chosen by their editors.


Naval Ravikant's recommended reads

Naval Ravikant is an Indian-American entrepreneur who has been an early-stage investor in incredible companies like Uber and FourSquare. To spearhead success like this, it's key you have a stellar routine. Here are some of the Hacks he credits to influencing his lifestyle...


An introduction to cryptocurrencies

Your guide to the dizzying and exciting new world of digital currencies and the blockchain.


Books to help with anxiety and stress

Anxiety and stress are commonplace conditions that most of us will experience in our lifetime. In this Collection, we have brought together Hacks of books to help you cope with them better, quicker. From understanding what triggers us, to overcoming our unhealthy patterns, learn the actionable steps we can take to feel better.


15 books to consume before you die

So many books, so little time. Our list of critically acclaimed contemporary classics will make sure you get the best perspective-changing modern wisdom, in just five minutes.


The top ten mindfulness books

In this Collection, we've curated the ultimate list of mindfulness books, featuring classic thought leaders like Thich Nhat Hanh and new thinkers like Dr. Julie Smith. Whether you've found time to meditate today or not, you can still grasp the fundamentals of mindfulness.

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