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Podcast Hack
Unlocking Lasting Love SkillsBy The Jordan Harbinger Show, Jordan Harbinger, Linda Carroll

In a Nutshell

This January 2021 episode of The Jordan Harbinger Show discusses the skills that create and maintain lasting love with relationship expert Linda Carroll.

Favorite Quote

Let them be different; they are not you.

Linda Carroll


Love can feel eternal in one moment and fleeting in the next.

Most of us seek to satisfy our needs and those of our partner when entering a relationship.

Though happiness can be found through romantic relationships, they require skills that many of us don't know how to hone.

The Jordan Harbinger Show is a variety podcast that tackles a different field in each episode with influential leaders from all ways of life.

In this January 2021 episode, Linda Carroll dives deep into the psychology of love and the ways in which we can become better at it.

Carroll is a relationship expert, therapist, and author dedicated to helping individuals develop relationship skills and get the most out of their love lives.

In this episode, Carroll and Harbinger debunk the myths of romance and discuss some basic tactics to being a kinder, more sensitive partner.

Here are the 3 key insights from this Hack

  1. 1.
    Love and relationships are never perfect and unrealistic expectations are unhealthy
  2. 2.
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  3. 3.
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc volutpat, leo ut.
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