Course HackThe Problem with CrimeBy The Open University
In a Nutshell
This course from the Open University explores the history of Glasgow's reputation as a city of crime.
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What appears to be a constant is that under capitalism there is a need to project an imagery of certain urban neighborhoods and certain cities as dangerous places, as the locale of fearful forces.
Sean Damer
There has been a common public perception of Glasgow over the centuries: gangs engaging in brutal turf wars, alleyways covered in sewage, and slums built so densely that inhabitants hardly see sunlight.
But is Glasgow really more dangerous than other cities?
Sean Damer is a sociologist at the University of Glasgow.
In this 2001 course offered by The Open University, Damer looks at the public discourse surrounding urban crime through the modern history of his hometown.
The Problem with Crime examines the factors underlying the fluctuating image of Glasgow as a city of crime since the 19th century.
Here are the 3 key insights from this Hack
- 1.The industrial revolution brought both great progress and immense poverty to Glasgow
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- 3.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc volutpat, leo ut.