Course HackThe Emergence of the Modern Middle EastBy Professor Asher Susser, Tel Aviv University
In a Nutshell
The Emergence of the Modern Middle East is a course from Tel Aviv University covering the historical, political, and social factors that led to the demise of the Ottoman Empire and shaped the contours of the modern Middle East.
Favorite Quote
Nationalism is an idea that believes in the actions of man.
Asher Susser
The Middle East is at the heart of many world conflicts.
But what constitutes the Middle East? How did it emerge as a zone of interest for world powers? And where does it stand today?
Fortunately, Professor Asher Susser has the answers to our Middle East questions.
Susser is a Senior Research Fellow at the Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies and teaches Middle Eastern History at Tel Aviv University.
In The Emergence of the Modern Middle East Part I, Professor Susser describes a 200-year history of the Middle East.
She covers early military reforms, the rise of Arab nationalism, the fall of the Ottoman Empire, and the formation of the modern nation-states.
Here are the 3 key insights from this Hack
- 1.Military reforms led to an era of administrative, legal, and political reforms in the Ottoman Empire
- 2.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc volutpat, leo ut.
- 3.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc volutpat, leo ut.