Up HackHow to Continue Fitness Beyond Your New Year’s ResolutionBy Ankita Sahni
In a Nutshell
Come January, and everyone is ready to hit the gym and eat healthily. But 20 days in, most of us are falling out of the habit. This Hack will explore why and what we can do about it.

Favorite Quote
If you can go without eating and thinking about food for a day, only then skip your workout.
Ankita Sahni
Why can't people stay consistent with workouts?
I'm Ankita Sahni, a certified postnatal coach and a pre and postpartum specialist. I'm here to explain why people struggle with working out and help you get past the rut of dropping off on your gym membership.
The first way you can do this is by looking at fitness not as something you do to achieve an end goal, but as something you do because you enjoy it.
I was just like a lot of you — joining various gyms and continuing for a while, then dropping off and then joining another, and the cycle continued.
This ended when I found the kind of workout I loved. Then, that hour when I had to get to the gym became the highest point of my day, because I went there to enjoy that hour and not to sweat myself crazy to 'look' a certain way.
So I urge you to find something that you love — it could be a sport, a dance class, a yoga class, or just a walk. As long as it is something you love, I promise you, staying committed will be like breathing.
Here are the 3 key insights from this Hack
- 1.Why is January the busiest time for gyms?
- 2.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc volutpat, leo ut.
- 3.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc volutpat, leo ut.