Course HackHow Do Empires Work?By The Open University, Karl Hack
In a Nutshell
This online course from The Open University demonstrates the structure and tactics of empires through the lens of the Opium Wars between China and Britain.
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By removing Britain's main opponent, this allowed Britain to rule the waves for several decades … that supremacy, backed by a lead in industrialisation, led Britain to try to impose 'free trade', or at least trade at low tariffs, on the rest of the world.
The Open University
In the 19th century, the European and Asian empires were vying for world domination.
It wasn't pure military might that won these wars, but economics and logistics, and it is still these issues that dominate politics today.
How Do Empires Work, an adapted extract from the Open University course Empire: 1492–1975, is led by professor of Asian and imperial history, Karl Hack.
The empire has been a successful – if brutal – structure of some of the most powerful civilizations in recorded history.
Using the first Opium War as a backdrop, this course explains how empires work, allowing us to understand their history and see modern political relationships and maneuvers through the lens of their imperial origins.
Here are the 3 key insights from this Hack
- 1.The Opium Wars saw imperial Britain rise to global dominance
- 2.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc volutpat, leo ut.
- 3.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc volutpat, leo ut.