Course Hack
Bernardine Evaristo on WritingBy Bernardine Evaristo, Edward Enninful

In a Nutshell

In her Vogue Visionaries class on fiction writing, Booker Prize winner Bernardine Evaristo offers expert advice on finding success as a writer as well as practical tips for writing a novel and getting it published.

Favorite Quote

If your burning ambition is to write, then you need to find a way to sustain yourself financially. So I think you need to get a job, but you need to get a job that is not going to take you away from your writing too much... Or you can marry a rich person.

Bernardine Evaristo


Many aspiring writers are fixated on notions of genius and inspiration – unhelpfully so.

But the experience of those writers who have persevered show that it's the more mundane and functional elements of writing that are key to success.

As professor of creative writing at Brunel University London and an internationally renowned author whose work includes fiction, poetry, essays, and plays, Bernardine Evaristo knows the writing process inside and out.

Having spent most of her career in obscurity, in 2019 Evaristo became the first Black woman to win the Booker Prize. Fittingly, her first non-fiction book is named Manifesto: On Never Giving Up.

In this course presented by Vogue Visionaries, Evaristo offers practical tips on structuring a novel, getting it published, and finding a way to support yourself on your journey.

The author also provides insights on developing your writing style, infiltrating the literary community, and the myth of writer's block.

Here are the 3 key insights from this Hack

  1. 1.
    To develop your writing style, read relentlessly, study narrative structure, and talk to everyone
  2. 2.
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  3. 3.
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc volutpat, leo ut.
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