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30 Days of Genius: Austin KleonBy Chase Jarvis

In a Nutshell

Artist and bestselling author Austin Kleon shares his unique approach to creating, his thoughts on the myth of genius, and how to avoid turning your art into a product.

Favorite Quote

The good artist welds his theft into a thing that is completely different and transforms things that already exist into something of his own, it's the ethos of taking things from the culture around you and borrowing bits and pieces.

Austin Kleon


A famous quip commonly attributed to Pablo Picasso says 'lesser artists borrow; great artists steal.'

Author, artist, and poet Austin Kleon has taken Picasso's advice to heart, building his career on collaging other artists' ideas to transform their work into something new.

In his 30 Days of Genius series, photographer, author, and CreativeLive co-founder Chase Jarvis interviews some of the most compelling personalities in myriad fields, from arts and culture to sport and business.

Austin Kleon's books on creativity have sold over a million copies worldwide, and his speaking engagements have included the likes of TEDx, Google, SXSW, Pixar, and The Economist's Human Potential Summit.

Best known for the book Steal Like an Artist, Kleon discusses the idea of art as theft, maintaining artistic integrity, and how to balance making work with finding an audience.

The conversation bridges wisdom and wit with philosophical musings that speak to our time and show us how to create in a world that steals our passion and attention.

Here are the 3 key insights from this Hack

  1. 1.
    Genius is a myth; it’s about invention, work, and ethics
  2. 2.
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc volutpat, leo ut.
  3. 3.
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc volutpat, leo ut.
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