Documentary HackThe True CostBy Andrew Morgan
In a Nutshell
In this eye-opening documentary, Andrew Morgan explores the depths and realities of sweatshops in Bangladesh, India, and other developing countries, to unravel the horrific living conditions of those who make the clothes we wear.
Favorite Quote
Most fashion brands start with a concept of a collection or a look. They don't tend to think, 'Who's gonna make the product? How can I ensure that producers or suppliers are gonna eat?'
Safia Minney, CEO and founder of People Tree
Today, fast fashion is a staple of most of our wardrobes.
We consume fashion trends at a rapid speed, buying what we want when we want it – and throwing it away without a second thought when we fancy something new.
Low prices are convenient and allow us to change our style with every season – but at what cost?
How have we been able to lower prices so much that shirts are sold at less than five dollars a piece?
Clothing costs are lowered for what seems to be our own good, and our own pleasure. But do we have the right to buy cheap if it means that those who make these clothes can't afford their basic living expenses?
In The True Cost, the seedy underbelly of fast fashion unravels itself, allowing us to take a look at our habits and expenses.
Workers in Bangladesh suffer chemical-induced illnesses while making less than 10 dollars a month.
Ecosystems are destroyed, speeding up the deadly process of climate change.
This is all happening right now, in front of our eyes and as a result of our own spending patterns.
Demanding better working conditions for workers is as simple as learning how to consume ethically and holding fashion designers accountable. Are you ready to make a change?
Here are the 3 key insights from this Hack
- 1.Companies aren't always as environmentally-friendly as they claim
- 2.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc volutpat, leo ut.
- 3.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc volutpat, leo ut.