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Book Hack
Second ChanceBy Robert T. Kiyosaki

In a Nutshell

Second Chance helps us get ready for the greatest evolutionary event in history, one that we're living through at this very moment: the shift into the Information Age.

Favorite Quote

Winners are not afraid of losing. But losers are. Failure is part of the process of success. People who avoid failure also avoid success.

Robert T. Kiyosaki


Following the success of Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Robert T. Kiyosaki's second book, Second Chance, helps us deal with the aftermath of the 2007/2008 worldwide financial crisis.

'Get a degree, work hard, become wealthy' used to be the blueprint for financial success in the industrial age.

Nowadays, earning a degree has become mainstream and isn't a guarantee of any kind of financial success or stability anymore.

In an everchanging world, managing to make money while doing what we love can seem impossible or only reserved to a privileged, unreachable elite.

In Second Chance, Kiyosaki lets you in on his expert tips to help you make the best of what you've got and reach your goals.

Here are the 3 key insights from this Hack

  1. 1.
    We aren’t given a sufficient financial education in school
  2. 2.
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc volutpat, leo ut.
  3. 3.
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc volutpat, leo ut.
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