Book HackI Know How She Does ItBy Laura Vanderkam
In a Nutshell
Laura Vanderkam disrupts the common narratives of work-life balance, exploring strategies for accomplishing professional and personal goals regardless of how much time they require.
Favorite Quote
It is a metaphor for life, perhaps, in that everything is a metaphor for life. The berry season is short. So how full, exactly, do I intend to fill the box? Or, if we slice away the metaphor, we could just ask this: what does the good life look like for me?
Laura Vanderkam
Many of us struggle to maintain an ideal work-life balance.
While popular narratives tell us that the struggle is one we are unlikely to overcome, there are possibilities we often ignore in our effort to master time management.
In our never-ending battle with time, most of us miss opportunities to fit in the activities we care about.
Laura Vanderkam is a bestselling author and journalist. Her work has grappled with the challenges of managing time, living the lives we want, and having professional success.
In this book, Vanderkam addresses common misperceptions about the time we have available for work, family, and self-care, focusing on the particular challenges facing women who grew up being told that work-life balance is impossible.
Here are the 3 key insights from this Hack
- 1.People spend more time doing enjoyable things than they realize
- 2.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc volutpat, leo ut.
- 3.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc volutpat, leo ut.