Documentary Hack
Fantastic Festivals of the World: Kyu-bon and Eisa FestivalsBy Jeff Gentes, Sigal Bujman

In a Nutshell

This documentary explores both the Kyu-Bon festival and its Eisa dances, as well as the vibrant local history and cuisine of Okinawa in Japan.

Favorite Quote

Okinawa's enduring culture is one of its greatest assets. It's through the festivals that this culture shines for generations to come.

Jeff Gentes


Between the Pacific Ocean and the East China Sea lies a lesser-known chain of Japanese islands.

Although influenced by cultural ties with China and Japan, Okinawa has a strong sense of identity.

Okinawa's subtropical weather has made it a popular resort destination. It is one of the world's top diving spots.

But more than just a place to lounge on the beach, Okinawa's history and cuisine are unique. Kyu-Bon festival, occurring at the end of each summer, is intrinsic to its identity.

Kyu-Bon and Eisa Festivals is an episode in the first season of Fantastic Festivals of the World.

Directed by Marc Pingry, written by filmmaker Sigal Bujman, and narrated by Jeff Gentes, the series acts as a travelogue.

As they explore different countries, Pingry, Bujman, and Gentes delve into cultures to give an insight into the most spectacular traditional festivals from around the world.

Here are the 3 key insights from this Hack

  1. 1.
    Ryukyu’s history is central to Okinawa’s roots
  2. 2.
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc volutpat, leo ut.
  3. 3.
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc volutpat, leo ut.
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