Course Hack
Exercise Prescription for the Prevention and Treatment of DiseaseBy Trinity College Dublin, Dr. Cuisle Forde, Dr. Aine Kelly

In a Nutshell

This comprehensive course by Trinity College Dublin outlines the latest research on the benefits of exercise. It provides insights and guidelines for health professionals to use when prescribing it as part of a targeted health care plan.

Favorite Quote

The WHO states that approximately 3.2 million deaths each year are attributable to insufficient physical activity, and they list insufficient physical activity as one of the 10 leading risk factors for death worldwide.

Dr. Cuisle Forde


Can exercise help prevent cancer? There's a growing body of evidence to say that it can.

People who engage in physical activity regularly can reduce their risk of developing certain chronic diseases by up to 50%.

This short course looks at the facts relating to exercise in disease prevention and offers guidelines for the safe prescription of exercise.

Explicitly targeted at healthcare professionals, the course is presented by Dr. Cuisle Forde and Dr. Aine Kelly, both professors of Trinity College Dublin.

Forde and Kelly look at what happens to the body during physical exercise and the long-term benefits that regular exercise can bring.

The course takes a deep dive into the effects of exercise on different groups, including children, those with existing health conditions, and the elderly.

Here are the 3 key insights from this Hack

  1. 1.
    When you begin physical activity, your body responds by increasing cardiac output, accelerating breathing, and releasing hormones
  2. 2.
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  3. 3.
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc volutpat, leo ut.
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