Podcast Hack
Dating Your Spouse in the Midst of Life's ChaosBy Eyes on Jesus, Tim Ferrara, Drew Barker

In a Nutshell

Reviving the Spark is about reigniting the love and connection between spouses amidst the chaos of everyday life, by focusing on Jesus and putting in the effort to maintain a strong relationship.

Favorite Quote

Keep your eyes on Jesus, and He will guide your marriage through the storms of life.

Discerning Dad


The world we live in can be a challenging place, often leaving us feeling isolated and disconnected from ourselves and others.

In the podcast Reviving the Spark- Dating Your Spouse in the Midst of Life's Chaos #eyesonjesus – Discerning Dad discusses the importance of maintaining a strong connection with your spouse despite the challenges and chaos that life throws at you.

He emphasizes the importance of keeping Jesus at the center of your marriage and consistently putting in the effort to nurture your relationship.

Here are the 3 key insights from this Hack

  1. 1.
    Center your marriage around Jesus for a strong foundation
  2. 2.
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  3. 3.
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc volutpat, leo ut.
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