Documentary HackBeyond UtopiaBy Madeleine Gavin
In a Nutshell
This 2023 documentary follows the stories of several people attempting to defect from North Korea. They are helped by Pastor Kim Sungeun, a human rights activist who uses a network of brokers and informants to help people escape.

Favorite Quote
We didn't leave North Korea because we wanted to. Most defectors came to South Korea in order to survive … If it weren't for the North Korean regime, there'd be no reason for people to leave. We could have just lived there.
Jeong Kwang-il, North Korean defector
North Korea is a sealed state. Little is known about the lives of its residents.
All we know about the country comes from the few who have managed to defect and from hidden camera footage taken inside the country and smuggled out.
The stories that have emerged describe a harsh regime of poverty, surveillance, and enforced ignorance about the outside world.
Beyond Utopia, a documentary by filmmaker Madeleine Gavin, gives an insight into what it takes to escape the North Korean regime and the people who try to help defectors.
The film follows two sets of escapees — a family attempting to flee from a sentence of banishment and a mother trying to get her son out of the country so they can be reunited.
Here are the 3 key insights from this Hack
- 1.The events of the 20th century left North Korea cut off from the rest of the world, run by an authoritarian regime
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- 3.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc volutpat, leo ut.