August 04, 2021
How To Become a Mind Reader
At some point, haven’t we all wished that we could read other people’s minds? The truth is, the best way to better understand people’s thoughts and feelings is to become more in tune with our own. Here’s our top tips on how to get there.
Okay, we know what you’re thinking here…
No literally, we know what you’re thinking.
Okay just kidding. But haven’t we all, at some point, wished that we could be able to just take a peek into their consciousness and see what they’re really thinking?
Unfortunately, we’re not psychic, nor will we ever be. But what we can do in the meantime is take a bit of time to learn about our own minds, and apply this knowledge, as well as trying some various tricks of the trade, to learn about others’.
We’ve put together the best bits of advice and information from the experts to help sharpen and expand your mind.
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind - Joseph Murphy
On Uptime
Who knew that the mind behind your mind is so powerful? Joseph Murphy, apparently. So take a breath, calm your mind, and let’s dive into the subconscious.
1. Use the placebo effect to your advantage
Sometimes, you have to see it to believe it.
Visualisation can be used as a tool for success. Similar to the placebo effect; if you believe in it, you can experience it.
Try writing down a description of how you’d like your future to turn out. Visualise it, feel it, then go out into the world and do your best to experience it.
2. Sleep on it
Nobody enjoys making difficult decisions. Weighing up the pros and cons, considering all of the outcomes, it can be a minefield. So why not let your subconscious handle it?
Joseph recommends sleeping on a tough decision. During the night, your subconscious mind can often do the heavy lifting and you can wake up with a much clearer picture of the situation.
3. Be happy for others
Envy is a green-eyed monster.
But did you know about the common belief that if we secretly despise others for having something we want, we actually make it less likely for us to get that thing ourselves?
The key is not falling into a victim mindset. You’re the hero of your own story, so stay positive and root for others. In turn, the universe may just root for you.
How To Talk To Anyone - Leil Lowndes
On Uptime
Ever wished you could bend the ear of anyone who will listen? Well, Leil Lowndes may just have the answer.
1. Smooth intros make good convos
The first ten seconds is truly the worst part of meeting someone new. What to say? What to do? What’s your name again? What’s THEIR name again?
Once you’re over that hurdle, things tend to go absolutely fine.
A beginner’s tip on giving yourself the best introduction possible: don’t awkwardly walk up to someone you don’t know. Find a reason to introduce yourself, or get a mutual acquaintance to introduce you.
2. Mimicry is the highest form of flattery
People will subconsciously feel comfortable around you if yours and their movements are the same.
If they gesticulate a lot, do so too. Use the same words to describe things, and so on.
Create similarities right away and turn that ‘I’ into a ‘we’.
3. Be specific in your praise
Most people enjoy compliments. That’s not to say they like being held up on a pedestal, of course - but subtle and detailed praise can go a long way.
Constantly praising someone is transparent and, let’s be honest, a little weird. Instead, just state a positive comment as a fact and ask their advice on how you can do the same.
Unf*ck Yourself - Gary John Bishop
On Uptime
1. Is this the life you want to win in?
If you’re happy with the life you’ve built for yourself, then brilliant - good job, you. But if you’d like things to be different, then we’ve got some bad news… you’re the one who has to change things.
You may be happy to accept things as they are, or you may be willing to take a step towards changing things up. But either way, you have to make the decision. No one else can make it for you
2. You get out what you put in
The fear of risk is healthy up to a certain point. The survival instincts that once kept us alive can be the same instincts that stop us from actually living.
But we’ve reached a point where most of our decisions aren’t life or death (you can thank opposable thumbs and evolution for that one), yet most of us are still addicted to prediction.
To grow and develop, sometimes you need to broaden your mind and take a leap of faith. Because the most criminal thing you can do is not miss the target - but not take the shot in the first place.
3. Don't think. Do.
Everyone has negative thoughts, but there are two ways of dealing with them. Some people listen to them, while others can see them for what they are: just passing thoughts.
Your thoughts and feelings aren’t who you are - they’re just something we experience.
You don’t always have to feel like today is your day - but if you act like it is, you’ll be surprised how far that can take you.
The Courage To Be Disliked - Ichiro Kishimi & Fumitake Koga
On Uptime
It takes courage to be yourself. It takes even more courage to be yourself even when you know some people won’t like it. Ichiro & Fumitake take us down the path of owning your personality.
1. Your past doesn't determine your future
Whilst past trauma can influence your future self, it doesn’t have to define you.
The past is in the past, it’s up to you to decide your future. 19th-century psychologist Alfred Adler believes that we can change who we are at any given moment. It just takes hard work and courage.
2. Self-hate is just a way of rejecting others
The only flaws we have to actively deal with are the objective ones. Not the subjective ones we put upon ourselves.
Subjective flaws serve only to push away the people around us and hinder our goals.
One piece of advice is to ‘love yourself like your life depends on it’, because one day it might.
3. Comparison is the death of joy
Constantly comparing yourself to someone else will only lead you down the path of misery.
Focus on yourself instead of others. We experience growth at different rates and define success in different ways - so why bother looking at others?
We spend so much time stressing about what others think about us that we often forget to consider how we feel about ourselves.
So, perhaps it’s not others’ minds we should want to read, but our own.
If any of these self-reflecting books have caught your eye, then check out the full version on the Uptime App.